Bobwhite Quail
Most people are more interested in planting perennials because they only
have to make the planting one time. However, annuals should not
be overlooked. Annuals are fast growing and will provide an immediate
food source for wildlife.

It is a good idea to plant an annual food strip along side your perennial
plantings. This will provide some variety for the wildlife. Some will
stand up and some will lay down after a heavy snow. Annuals should be
planted along the edge of the woods or along fence rows to provide cover and
a food source.

Game birds seldom range over more than a square mile. If there is no food
for them on your property, they have no other alternative than to leave in
search food, it's a matter of preservation.
Cover or natural hiding places, to these birds is just as important as your
(home or apartment) is to you. It is a place from their natural enemies. So
if you can provide as much natural food and cover for game birds, they will
have a better chance for survival and you have created the ideal habitat for

Our annual mixes
(Milo & Sorghum or Gamebird Mix) will also provide some late fall and
winter feeding as the seed will stay on the stalks after snow cover. Some
will stand up and some will lay down after a heavy snow.
Our food mixes can be planted in strips and patches along the edges of
woods, near ponds or steams, along fence lines and near areas