Dwarf Essex Rape is an extremely palatable, high energy, and high protein
for Deer. Stays green well into the winter months and even under several
inches of snow for winter feeding. Again this is an excellent forage for
late summer and fall crop for deer. Game birds also prefer green leaves of
the rape witch can be used in food plots or in game bird pens. High in
protein 25%-35%
Brassicas forages are high quality, high yielding, and fast growing crops
that are high in protein. Members of the Brassica family include kale,
rape, turnips. Brassicas have been use by farmers for years now an within
the past few years have been found to be very beneficial for Whitetail
Generally they produce high quality forage for deer in late summer, fall,
and in the winter months. Brassicas are annual crops which are highly
palatable and easily digestible for whitetail deer. Both the tops (stems
and leaves) and roots (bulbs) deer will eat and are very nutritious.
Brassicas require good soil drainage and a soil pH between 5.3 and 6.8.
Seeds should be planted in a firm, moist, seedbed with 6-8 inch rows.
Fertility requirements are similar to wheat
Matures in 70 to 80 days. Plant 5 to 8 pounds per acre.